Reflexology is a relaxing holistic treatment performed on the feet, hands or ears, based on ancient methods it aims to keep qi (energy) flowing through the body, keeping it balanced. The reflexologist will apply varying degrees of pressure on the reflex points that correspond to different parts of the body, with the aim to rebalance the mind, body and soul, and stimulate the body’s own natural healing ability.
Reflexology can maintain health & well-being and may also help with:
Stress and anxiety, skin and respiratory conditions, migraines, PMS and menopausal problems, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, MS, sleep disorders, digestive problems (IBS), arthritis, back and neck pain, fertility, hormonal imbalances…and many more
It can induce relaxation promoting restful sleep, relieve stress, increase circulation, stimulate the nervous system, provide pain relief, release tension, help to detoxify the body and boost the immune system. Reflexology helps to maintain health and improve both physical and mental wellbeing to prevent problems occurring.
1 hour treatment £47.50
Before the first treatment you will need to complete a consultation about your health, medical history (past and present) and lifestyle. To get the most from the treatment be sure to provide as much information as possible. This information will be kept confidential. Reflexology is a very individual treatment which is tailored to you, taking into account both physical and non-physical factors that may be affecting your wellbeing.
To begin the treatment you will need to remove your shoes and socks and relax into a comfortable position. The reflexologist will start the treatment by warming up your feet using gentle massage and will then work on the reflex points using varied pressure techniques with their fingers and thumbs. Many people experience deep relaxation and can sleep through the treatment. Some may experience sensations in their body, such as tingling, warmth or a feeling of released tension as the corresponding reflex points are worked on. It is also possible to feel some tenderness on the area of the foot itself.
After treatment most people note a sense of well-being, relaxation, revitalisation or relief such as a cleared headache and may also enjoy a good night’s sleep. A common side effect is an increased number of visits to the toilet as reflexology encourages the elimination of toxins from the body so it is advisable to drink plenty of water after a session to assist the removal of toxins. Some can experience other symptoms up to 24 hours after such as tiredness, slight head ache or feeling more emotional.
Contra-indications – There may occasionally be times when it is not suitable to provide a treatment for example; if someone has a temperature or fever, thrombosis, infectious illness or immediately after surgery. Please ask the reflexologist if you have any concerns before treatment.
Note: Reflexology sessions are not intended to give medical diagnosis or treatment, or to serve as a substitute for current or recommended medical care. Reflexologists do not claim to prescribe, diagnose or cure.
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